Friday, April 25, 2008

Work In Progress

Hey guys, this is what I have so far for my board. The general premise is that two characters are eating in a diner and just doing whatev. and then one of their arch nemesis bombards them and they fight and then they pseudo defeat him by tossing him out into oblivion. I'm having a hard time coming up with cool/interesting angles for the fight, but I'm pretty happy with the beginning. I've included some character design stuff. My final boards will be more loose and feature-style rather than the tighter tv-style boards, so I'm not really going to use the 'model sheets' for anything other than size/shape reference.



If anyone is interested in seeing the movie I made you can watch it for free here:

Insert Shameless Self Promotion Here:

And I did! 

Story Artists Unite!

This is it guys! I'd like to welcome you to the blog site for our Advanced Storyboarding class. Please feel free to use this site as a constant open forum for the discussion of the final project, alongside any associated work you'd like critique on. It's important we try to check in with this every day so that we can explore the projects and make sure that these boards are working for the final, but also your portfolio. All the best gang!