Thursday, October 22, 2009

Here are my Joseph and Lillie boards. I hope they help.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Saturday is the Academy's Open Studio. I'll be in the Cintiq Lab from 9am until 12.30pm and again from 3pm until 5pm and would love you to join me. We'll count it as a make-up class! It'll be a great time to concentrate our group attention on refining Sutro ready for the meeting next week.

It'll also be fun to have you there!

All the best,

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Hey Shaun how are our Characters dressed? If there isn't a set outfit could those up first post what they are having Lillie, Sutro and Joey wear? Woulld be great to have some continuity.

Sutro Aspect Ratio

What is the aspect ratio we should be working in for Sutro? Is this going to be HD, too?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sutro Reference

here are site's I've been finding during class.


Thursday, October 8, 2009

OSY DEADLINE: 12pm Friday 9th October

Please note that you should have all panels related to the project uploaded in jpeg and/or psd format by no later than 12pmon FRIDAY 9th.

All images should be named as follows: For instance, Act I, panel 47 would be 'sfeather_ActI_o47
Please upload your named and numbered panels to 'W Drive_Net App'
Class folder - ANM499_18_Featherstone
Name a folder and upload your images to this...

Your involvement with this project is done after this time so please enjoy a weekend free from storyboarding before our new project!

Many thanks for your hardwork,

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mongolian Art Inspiration

Hey Guys,

While we wait for the Vis Dev to be done for the fantasy aspects of the forest, here's some fantastic art to inspire you.

All the best,