Thursday, February 17, 2011

Junior Giants Project: Formatting?

Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if we were shooting for a certain aspect ratio with the junior giants project. I'm assuming this is going to be shot for TV as a commercial/informercial sort of thing but I just wanted to make sure... I didn't see or hear anything about it so thought I'd ask!



Christopher Rieser said...

i was wondering the same thing Stephanie. i'm gonna go ahead and just do my usual format because these are just a rough pass. I have a version of an HD template in photoshop. but to make it interchangeable with storyboard pro, i've got a couple more templates to choose from that make it easier to pop in to Storyboard pro with minimal clipping or transforming. BUT i need to know which one we are going with so i don't waste any worktime on the wrong format! please. get back as soon as you can.


Chris Rieser

Unknown said...

Yeah I know what you mean. I'm not sure format is going to matter to much (because I'm not sure how complicated staging can be with this project) but it is difficult to thumbnail without the correct aspect ratio at least.

I've just made a crude table of the formats in storyboard pro so I can just import my jpegs and not have to worry about cropping.


Resolution Width Height Aspect Ratio
HDTV 1920 1080 1.78
HDTV_Vertical 1920 1080 1.78
NTSC 720 540 1.33
PAL 768 576 1.33
film-1.33 2048 1536 1.33
film-1.66 2048 1234 1.66
film-1.66_vertical 2048 1234 1.66
low 360 270 1.33