Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Team SUPERDUPER (freak friday) Script

 "In His Shoes"

Junior Giants 2014

1: Opens to kids getting ready for the game

2: Coach comes over and talks to them,

Coach: Mikey! You are up first I want you to start the game today.

3: Mikey seems shy and uncomfortable, so he hesitates

4: Brad doesn’t look pleased

5: He walks up to him and says,

-You have it so easy. I wish I could start the game.

6: Mikey looks even more nervous and says,

-Me? It’s you who have it easy. Sometimes I wish I could switch places with you.

7: Furball overhears them.

8:He looks disappointed, but he comes up with an idea.

9: Kids are still talking about who is luckier than the other one

10: Louisa and Vince are trying to end the discussion so they can start the game

11: Furbal quickly runs to the pitching machine.

12: He touches the machine with his hand (that is glowing now) and changes it

13: Then he runs and stops the argument

14: They finally start the game

15: Louisa starts the pitching machine

16: magic ball flies to Mikey

17: He looks nervous

18: The glowing ball hits the bat

19: energy zaps Mikey

20: The ball flies to Brad and he catches it

21: some sort of magic happens and they switch bodies causes them to fell on the ground

22: Louisa looks at vince and as he runs towards them she says,

Louisa: Did you see that?

23: Vince who is shocked runs toward them and they both help them up

24: Mikey and Brad feel disoriented, and dizzy

Brad: Guys I don’t feel so good

25: He had mikey’s voice so everyone Is very confused,

26: Furbal runs t them and explains what he did and why he did it, telling them they can only turn back
to their old selves if they learn to be in the other’s shoes.

27: Kids huddled together

28: They decide to go with it without coach knowing, because then he might stop furball from playing
with them again.

29: A shadow is cast over them by coach, they look up him

Coach: Come on guys! Why aren’t you playing?

30: Game is about to start again

31: Kids are visibly nervous

32: Coach is confused but doesn't push further.

33: Mikey (Brad) grabs his bat and says,

-This is great, I get to start the game.

34:He hits the ball and the game began

35: Cut to the later in the day.

36: Louisa makes an order for Mikey (Brad) to be up to bat again

37: But Mikey (Brad) was not fast enough to reach second before being tagged out.

38: Mikey (Brad) is upset with himself for being unable to perform like he usually does

39: When Brad (Mikey) runs by him , he is fast and is so energetic,

Brad (Mikey): Haha…Told you, you have it easier.

40: Mikey (Brad) gets frustrated and tries to push Brad(Mikey)

41: Furball, Vince and Louisa runs towards them

42: They stop them and Vince reminds Mikey (Brad) that he can’t be violent with his friends.

42: Then Vince walks away with Brad (Mikey), and tells him about integrity and how he should have it
but he shouldn’t be cocky.

43: After their talk Brad (Mikey) feels bad for what he has done to Mikey (Brad)

44: Louisa is trying to help Mikey (Brad)

45: She offers him an apple as a healthy snack

46: Mikey (Brad) need to take charge at some point but he can’t because he is not confident like before

47: So Louisa gives him advice about leadership

48: Brad (Mikey) who feels bad, gives him a pep talk

-Its ok to feel scared some times but you should trust yourself. That’s what you guys always tell

49:Every one smiles and Mikey (Brad) who feels better now does a great job for the rest of the day

50 : A little Later that day, the kids are sitting in the dugout.

51: Brad (Mikey) apologizes to Mikey (Brad) and says he is sorry and how he realizes it’s not so easy to
be him either because people expect a lot from him

52: Mikey (Brad) says he is sorry too,

-I’m sorry for being mean to you soemtimes.

53: Furball overhears this and steps into the group with the magic baseball which begins to glow.

54: The ball lets loose a burst of light as Mikey and brad step up

55: The light fades and the kids are disorientated but returned to their normal bodies.

56: coach walks up to the kids happy to see them in good spirits finally but confused about that game.

57: The kids say they had just gotten over a streak of bad games together.

58: Furball accidentally drops the magic baseball. and goes off screen to pick it up

59: The ball rolls to coaches feet and picks up the ball to examine it.

60: The kids look off screen as a bright flash of light appears

61: Coaches and Furball's figures step into the foreground. Coach gets ready to wrap thigns up for the

62: Coach and furball are seen headed to the bus as the kids look on, coach and furball noticeably have
changed places but Coach does not notice.

63: the kids laugh, the end.

Option 2 Ending:

57: Kids decide they have to tell the coach the truth. (Honesty)

58: He is curious so he grabs the ball as the kids and furbal scream,


59: Cut to them walking to the bus

60: Coach and Furball are now switched.

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