Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feedback from today meeting (3/10/11)

I had a blast with today meeting with everyone and it was great to have some feedbacks from Mark and I think he's going to stop by on tue next week so get ready everyone. 

I have some feedback to tell you guy about your boards (TEAM 2, GROUP VENTURE!!! GOO GROUP 2)and I think Shaun might do more follow-up later. Sorry, my recalling of feedbacks are more for group 2, but group 1 your boards were awesome and I would think Shaun and Rogernald would have better feedbacks for your group because they would understand alot more.  I emailed you guy, but this is just like a double check. 


Mark LOVES the Alien eating the bat gag, it was great. The Alien pitching machine was great, but it's looks a bit too scary for normal mode with the thin eyebrows.  Mark wanted the machine to be more goofy like the Alien. The concept with Liz running to first base and what you see is only her shadows and her team shadows in the dugout was nice, but Mark wants to zoom in Liz's face more (because it's like her moment) and what you can do is that you see Liz running to her base (not just shadow) and in the foreground you can see her teammate head cheering.


You cover alot of ground and the gag with the aliens jaw dropping in the outfield was just funny as heck (I didn't see that coming at all, so it was cool dude). And I think Mark wants you to play out the belches Alien a bit more. He wants the Alien to looks really sad or just don't care at that point anymore because they are so stuff on junk food. So like when one of the Alien tell the other Alien to get the ball which is like next to him, he reach for it, but was sooo lazy that just give up and the ball is like a couple inches from him just drag that moment a bit more.

Can't wait to see the final work next week. Good luck everyone!!!!


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