Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Story Meet - 19th April

Hey gang, so the last pitch went rather well. And take it from me, I've seen a few versions of this project done by some really talented guys. You've all provided us with a much BETTER version of the story. It's much more understandable and engaging and more importantly exciting~!

So you have until next week to really shine with FLOATS. You could ALL use a greater understanding of drawing on model. That isn't me being a git and demanding unreasonable amounts of work from you - It's the INDUSTRY STANDARD~! You have to do this to survive in the biz. There are no excuses~! You either draw on model or you don't get paid. Many of the contracts you sign involve the clause that includes the proviso on 'Aesthetic Considerations'. That effectively means that the contract is null and void if you don't adhere to it!

-Introductory crawl is budgeted. YAY~!
-Lower angle on the conveyor belt. Push the flower coming toward us.
-Transition with the shredder doesn't work right now. Add a simple shot of the flower being sucked into the machine.
-Why does Stones get hit? Gesture to the idle shovel.
-Cut on the action as he flies across the room and pull back with the camera. Stones slides into the foreground.

- Please try and push your boards to the next level.
- Push your composition out of the flat into the 3/4 angles and skewed perspective.
- Characters more consistent.
- OTS to the POV doesn't work right now but could, indicate a shake with the camera.

Steph and Davin: Please post your boards ASAP~!

- Fade into your boards from black.
- Machinery coming to life may be lost. Budgetary reasons. RIP cool shot~:(
- More on-Model~!
- More tension and drama on the cuts.

- Please try to convert your work to jpeg and adhere to Producer Andy's requirements.
- Push those poses from walk in the park to more intriguing danger poses.

- Try the vertical 180 as the characters run toward the camera, over and away
- Change the end shot to incorporate the atrium ahead.
- Where is the character's awe at the space.

- Make more of Cheeba's powers and refine the pull back up to the cracking ceiling.

- Keep the character's consistent and refine the guards more to keep them on model.
- Great ending as the characters sail away. Book end with the reverse of Andrew's opening crawl down.

Hope this helps~! You have until next Tuesday~:)

Well done and email when you post to the blog.

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