Friday, February 3, 2012

Angela from Rage Brigade.. rawr.

I probably did this COMPLETELY wrong.

These are the thumbnails for the first part of Rage Brigade's part. From 'Cut to Mikey in the dugout..' to Coach saying ' them what we're all about'.

1 comment:

Shaun Featherstone said...

Hey Angela, you certainly haven't done these wrong at all.. You're taking on a decent chunk of the action and the scene and therefore ensuring that the group as a whole has the appropriate level of planning to work on together.

You've been prolific with these shots and thumbs, but although you explore a level of expression and detail with the characters, you're lacking some of the specifics of the shot in this pass. Remember that you're min goal in thumbnailing the shot is the shot and sequence and therefore ALWAYS work with a specific widescreen format in mind.

Drawing in these squares does not provide you with the most fundamental aspects of the planning of good storyboarding and that can be a problem as you continue.
