Friday, February 3, 2012

More Abraham Thumbs

Mike of the Abraham Lincolns here with an assortment of my thumbnails and practice sketches for the characters. They're not in any particular order as I wanted to draw out specific scenes as inspiration or difficulty hit.

Like Eric said in his post, not 100% sure I'm doing this right, but if I wasn't supposed to post these (and the soon to be following) images here, then just yell at me I suppose, haha.

1 comment:

Shaun Featherstone said...

I'm certainly not going to yell at you Mike. Your sketches here are really successful. I particularly like your awareness to the character interaction and expression. You're getting in tune with drawing the characters in an economical way - and digital too!

Best practice in this situation to is to be a little more regimented with regards to the way in which you're exploring the character drawings. If you were showing this to a client then you'd be remiss in your responsibility to access the story, even at this stage.

Throwing some character beats in there can really help you in this. Here's Luisa's exchange with Brad, etc...

Solid digital drawing though~!

All the best